Session Types and Pricing

Holistic Psychotherapy/Process Acupressure – 80 minutes $200:

A Process Acupressure session can address complex emotional, physical, and spiritual issues and I believe is the most powerful method of healing I offer.  During a session, we will begin talking while seated, then you will lie on a massage table face up and fully clothed.  I will apply gentle firm pressure to pairs of acupressure points while you share what comes up for you and we will look at it together.  These sessions work best in an ongoing series as each acupressure session is more powerful than the last as your body’s energy responds to the work.  I recommend coming weekly when addressing acute or intense issues or if you desire more rapid healing. 


Seva Stress Release – 25 minutes $75:

The Seva session was developed to give the most powerful healing intervention to address stress and shock in a brief session.  During a Seva session you will enter a deep state of relaxation and may touch into your deeper wisdom as I use a series of acupressure points and verbal affirmations.  This type of session is good for those who need to relax and receive nurturing and healing and may have trouble doing so.  This is a good option for those who don’t have a lot of time in any given day to dedicate to their healing, those who need healing from stress or shock, or those who do not want to do verbal processing.  Seva can also be incorporated into a longer session.


In-Home Sessions for Post-Partum Mothers – Same prices as above:

Birth is an intense experience and I’m offering in-home sessions within the Petaluma area to facilitate recovery from the birth process and adjustment to one’s next phase in life.  Too often birth can be traumatic and processing the experience and releasing traumatic energy is so important to recovery and returning to one’s vitality. I have learned through my own experience of motherhood how important it is for a mother to feel grounded, nurtured, balanced, and centered and how deeply beneficial that is to her children and those around her.  Sessions can be given while you are seated even while holding or nursing your baby or in bed depending on whatever suits the situation best.  Sessions can include talking and processing, can address specific symptoms, or can be a SEVA session to fully focus on receiving nurturing.


Children, Teens, and Soul Lightening Acupressure – 50 minutes $150, :

Children and teens are well-suited to Soul Lightening Acupressure sessions.  I am a mother to two busy, creative kids currently ages 9 and 12 so I am highly skilled at holding a child’s interest throughout the session.  I may do this by playing a game where the child tries to guess which points I am using while they hold a point chart which also increases body awareness, by addressing their imagination, or attuning them to the energy flowing in their bodies.

I also offer Parent-Child Sessions where both parent and child are present in the beginning of the session while the parent receives a SEVA Stress Release session and the child plays or engages in the session by helping to hold acupressure points.  The child will benefit from the energy shifts that occur in the room and with their parent.  The child will then receive their own session that will be customized for their needs while the parent either stays in the room or waits outside depending on what is best for them both.

I do not accept insurance at this time.